Quick Facts About TIN Card Issuance


Every person who works, whether employed or runs a business, must have a Tax Identification Number (TIN). The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) issues TIN for free and most, if not all the time, an employee's TIN is applied for by their employer. Business owners, on the other hand, may apply for their TIN online or at the Revenue District Office (RDO) where their business is registered.

The TIN is a unique, lifetime identification number. A taxpayer may secure a TIN ID or TIN Card at their RDO. Here's how:

  1. If you already have a TIN, you are eligible for TIN ID or TIN Card
  2. The easiest way to get one is to proceed to the RDO where you are registered and show two valid IDs and one 1x1 colored ID picture.
  3. If you do not know where your RDO is or if you no longer live or work in the area where your RDO is located, you may call the BIR Hotline for instructions on how to secure your TIN card. The BIR Hotline is 02-8538-3200 and they are open from Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm (except holidays).
  4. The BIR does not issue or process TIN IDs online.
  5. The TIN card is free of charge and issued only by the BIR.
  6. The TIN Card is a valid government-issued ID.
  7. You cannot have more than one TIN. A person found to be using more than one TIN shall be criminally liable.
For other questions about your TIN, you may call the BIR hotline or send a message through their official Facebook page

When applying for a TIN, you need to submit a copy of your PSA Birth Certificate. Get yours online at PSAHelpline.ph. Enjoy full online ordering and payment of your PSA certificate and nationwide delivery. 


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